Home Trends: 35 Colorful Kitchens

The all-white or mostly white kitchen has been the star of the interior design show for nearly the last decade. Trends come and go, but while white is nice many designers agree that 2023 is bringing all the color. “It may not be the popular opinion but I think all-white kitchens will be phasing out more and more,” says Lindye Galloway, founder and chief creative officer at Lindye Galloway Design Studio + Shopin Orange County, CA.
She’s not alone. According to a recent report by Houzz, a renewed interest in bright and bold color is one of the most-reported trends from design and remodeling professionals. The shift is attributed to the gloomy years of the pandemic. “These days, homeowners seem more adventurous and willing to take a chance on creating brighter, more vibrant spaces,” the report says.
Regardless of trend, when designing your home, you want to show your true colors. That is, it should make you feel at home and happy. Whether that’s bringing in layers of warm and soft tones or going all out with rich hues or super brights, your design should capture your aesthetic and personality. Here, we rounded up all the ways you can incorporate color into your kitchen. From cabinets to appliances to tile and wallpaper, there are so many ways to dream up your dream kitchen. Now let’s get cooking.
PMQ for Two remodeled her kitchen and we are drooling all over it. The perfect mix of color, pattern, and comfort makes this kitchen so fun and inviting.
“I like a neutral, calm, and textural room,” says Gideon Mendelson, founder and creative director of Mendelson Group. “However, when an entire home is designed that way, it feels a little soul-less and boring to me. I want to see designers adding more color and pattern to these sculptural spaces to make them feel more personal, and interesting and provoke more thought.”
Agreed! Creating a palette of colors that complement each other in tone feels fresh and modern.
These happiness-inducing colors create a kitchen that’s full of energy. You can get a sense of who lives here just by the design.
Yellow always feels bright and happy and this more muted tone is totally in.
Powder Blues
Powder and lighter blues are the new white and navy — they act as a neutral for a more elevated space.
Photo courtesy of Tim Lenz
Here’s a baby blue Manhattan kitchen designed by Mendelson Group. So lovely!
Go full-on monochrome with a pop of pink.
This almost-white blue extends from cabinets to island and pairs well with black and white tile and leather seating. Design by Kate Lester of Kate Lester Interiors & Kate Lester HOME in Southern California.
Multi Colors
Homeowners unafraid to take a bold step play with cabinet colors in a range of hues.
Bold-color cabinets are one of the top trends in kitchen design that we’ll see in 2023,” says Lauren Lerner, Founder + Principal Designer at Living with Lolo.
A Pop of Color
No need for a whole remodel: Rachel Burger, Interior Designer at JL Design, who agrees all-white kitchens have reached their peak, says a big trend for 2023 is Incorporating color back into a kitchen with tile, paint, or lighting.
We love how the homeowners here played with color in a more muted kitchen. For 2023, anything goes as long as its fresh and unique.
Geometrics have a cool edge.
Photography by Ryan Hainey
This kitchen, designed by Vetter Architects, goes all out with green tile to mirror the landscaping outside.
Wallpaper can be a great way to revamp your kitchen and make it feel new and exciting.
Don’t be afraid to take a chance with colors that you adore.
Printed tile can be a great way to jazz up an otherwise ho-hum kitchen.
Colorful Appliances
Appliance companies are thinking outside the stainless steel box, making refrigerators and stoves more of a design feature than a functional piece.
You can still go with white cabinets when you have this refreshing pop of color.
Colorful floors are happening too!
ThisFire Clay tiledesign goes up to ceiling and contrasts well with the colorful appliances.
SMEG really re-thought the old appliance.
Pretty in Pink
Warm and soft colors are a big 2023 kitchen trend. According to Houzz: “While pros say a desire for bold color is extending into some kitchens, many report that a lot of homeowners are asking for a warm and soft style that’s restful and relaxing.”
Pink can be extra pretty and modern with gold and white accents.
Crave brighter colors? This palette screams color confidence.
Moody Hues
Jerad Gardemal, principal designer and owner at JF Gardemal Designs in Baton Rouge, says one of the top trends in kitchen design will be dark cabinets in a matte finish. “Also, painted cabinets in unexpected colors will also be a trend. Satin brass hardware is a must,” he says.
Painting walls to match cabinets is another common colorful kitchen trend. What do you think?
Photography by Jared Kuzia
We love how the refrigerator gets a seamless cabinet treatment here in another Kristina Crestin Design.
Photo courtesy of Eric Piasecki
Don’t forget the ceiling too! White paired with monochromatic greens brighten this Westchester kitchen designed by Mendelson Group.
This wine color with a rosy backsplash is lovely for a warm and soft kitchen.
Which kitchen design would you choose? Follow us on Pinterest for more unique home decor ideas and subscribe to our email newsletter so you never miss a beat!
Main Photo: Shutterstock
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